By EnnisDuff on March 27, 2016
turin shroud
Strange but True

Today on the pious occasion of Easter, let us find out what the scientists have to say about the crucification of Jesus. Many experiments were conducted on the Turin Shroud using latest techniques used in space technology and all of them proved in favour of the theory, rather than against it, a phenomenon which is […]
By EnnisDuff on February 13, 2015
holy shroud, Jesus Crusification, turin shroud
Strange but True

Throughout the middle Ages religious relics allegedly associated with Jesus, the Virgin Mary, or the Apostles were revered by pious but gullible men and women throughout Christendom and exploited by such unscrupulous rogues as the Pardoner in the Canterbury Tales by the 14th-century English poet Geoffrey Chaucer. The Original Holy Turin Shroud Among these relics […]