By Jyotsna on July 25, 2014
near death experience, vedic astrology, when will I die
Astrology, Miscellaneous

Strange are the musings of life as life is eternal and evolving yet there is a break called death which closes one chapter and opens new one as per the theory of reincarnation. People often want to know how long will I live or when will I die? Let us try to find an answer […]
By Deepak Chopra on October 10, 2013
astrology signs, horoscope reading, vedic astrology
Astrology, Featured, Horoscopes, Miscellaneous

Vedic astrology says that there are 12 houses in astrology. These 12 houses are the astrology signs used in the birth chart by the astrologers to predict the future of a person through horoscope reading. We will now discuss each of these 12 houses and their significance in this article. The first house in the […]
By nishichawla on August 27, 2011
astrology, moon signs, vedic astrology
What are Moon Signs? Concepts associated with sun signs are the most commonly used these days but as per Hindu astrology, moon signs are as important as sun signs. Moon sign rules over the mind where as sun sign rules over the soul. Moon signs reflect more on your personality traits and overall life situations. […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on October 29, 2010
vedic astrology
Vedic Astrology is one of the most ancient and interesting branch of knowledge. It has multiple branches and in a combination these can be used to predict important events, career moves and even love life of an individual.