Blood pressure is a very common problem these days that can happen to anyone at anytime. The blood pressure can be low as well as high. We will now discuss how you can ensure that your blood pressure is in proper limits and how you can use Yoga to cure low or high blood pressure. This will ensure that you do not suffer from many other health diseases too.
The doctors will tell you that how blood pressure can lead to many other problems and disorders. So it is best to combine medical treatment with yoga techniques. You must do the yoga for blood pressure along with the medication that you are taking. Once the blood pressure comes under control and your doctor permits you can depend only on the yoga for blood pressure.
ProActive Approach
It is not necessary that you should do yoga for blood pressure only if you are suffering from the disease. You can do the same even before you start showing the symptoms. This will help you to ensure that you do not develop the blood pressure problems fast.
Word of Caution
One point of caution that we must mention here is that when you do the yoga for controlling or curing low or high blood pressure and feel uneasiness, you must stop immediately and consult a medical expert. Similarly you must do these yoga poses only when the doctor has approved.
Yoga To Control Low Or High Blood Pressure
- Surya namaskar – We have explained this form of Yoga in our previous article. It is an all inclusive yoga asana. It has answers to many ailments and diseases. The Surya namaskar is also called the salutation of the sun. It must be done early in the morning with an empty stomach. It has twelve poses that make the complete surya namaskar. We suggest that you learn it from a proper yoga teacher to get the basics right. You must do one complete cycle of Surya namaskar for three to five times to see improvement in blood pressure level. Check out our article to see the detailed procedure to do suryanamaskar.
- Bidalasana– This is a very popular form of yoga that is suggested to cure blood pressure related disorders. In this asana you must first kneel down on the floor. Now bring your upper half of the body close to the floor.
Your head should touch the knee and your arms should be stretched out on the floor. You can also fold the hands behind if you want. While you do this you must inhale and as you come back to the position you started exhale. It is called the child pose. You can hold on to the position as long as you are comfortable.
- Sukhasana – We have already discussed this yoga many times in the previous articles. We highly recommend this yoga to one and all. In this yoga you should sit on the floor. Your legs should be folded and hands should be placed on the leg. The index figure and the thumb should meet creating a round.
Keep breathing in and out as you sit in this position. This must be done for fifteen minutes a day. You can do it in the morning as well as in the night. This can be very useful in reducing the blood pressure levels.
- Baddhakonasana – The next in the list of the Baddhakonasana. It is also called the cobbler pose. To do this yoga you must first sit on the floor. Your legs should be folded as shown in the picture. Your back should be straight.
It must be difficult to get the pose right in the first place. Regular practice can help you to get it right. As you sit in the Baddhakonasana ensure that you slowly breathe in and out.
- Konasana– We will now discuss the next pose in the Yoga for blood pressure. It is called the Konasan. In this asana first you need to stand straight. You must spread your leg. Now use the right hand to touch the toe of the left leg. While you do this the other hand should be stretched towards the ceiling.
You can now repeat the exercise with the left hand. This can stretch your muscles and make your body more relaxed. This plays a good role in controlling the blood pressure too.
- Virasana – The Virasana is suggested to patients with high blood pressure. In this you need to kneel down on the floor. Your back should be straight and your hand should be placed on your knees. You must breathe in and out while you do this yoga.
Close your eyes and relax as you do the Virasana. You must hold the position of Virasana as long as you are comfortable. Do not stress yourself behind a certain limit.
- Setu Bandhan Sarvangasana – We have discussed this before and now will mention it again. This can prove to be very helpful in controlling the complications of high blood pressure. It is also called the bridge pose.
You fist need to lie on the floor. Now using your hands slowly lift your body. The body should form an ach. We have enclosed the picture of the Setu bandhan Sarvangasana so that you can understand the same even better. Hold on the position as long as you are comfortable.
Yoga for controlling blood pressure is definitely meant for those who are already suffering from the disease. If you have a history of blood pressure in your family or if you have suffered from obesity then you must do the yoga for blood pressure at the earliest. We hope that this information will help you to live a healthy life. You can either practice all the yoga poses that we have mentioned or pick few of them.