It is a well known fact yoga has a number of benefits not only in spiritual growth but in helping to keep our mind and body fit and healthy. In this article today we will discuss how yoga can help in the problems of slipped disk. Well our lifestyle has change considerably and today we spend most of our time in front of the laptop or television.
As a result our physical exercises have reduced considerably. Many young people today are suffering from disk problem. The experts also say that the changes in food habit and increase intake of alcohol as well as smoking can be blamed for these problems. By regular exercise and with a little care we can ensure that we do not develop a disk problem. However, if you have already developed it what is it that you can do is what we will be discussing in this article. We hope that our article on Yoga for disk problem will help our readers to deal with the disk problems better.
Injury vs Lifestyle
Disk problems are mostly cause by lifestyle problems or they are caused by injury. The disk problems can be of various types. Some problems are very serious and some are not so serious. Depending on the seriousness of the issue treatments are suggested. Sometimes medication itself can solve the problem and sometime physical therapy is needed. In certain cases surgery can also be suggested.
Two Important Points
1. What we are trying to say is that please do consult your doctor before you start with the yoga for disk problem. Only when the doctors tells that you can do yoga for your disk problem do start with the same.
2. The second point about Yoga for disk problem is that you must start it only when the pain has reduced. The aim of this yoga is to ensure that the disk problem do not occur again. It cannot ensure that the pain reduces immediately.
Yoga is a Science
When you practice yoga on a regular basis it helps your mind to gain a better control on your body as a result you can ensure that your body learns to manage and handle pains better. It helps you to deal with the negativity inside you and makes you more positive as a result you can deal with the disc problem and the pain associates with it much better. Many people have been practising yoga for years to deal with disc problem. Yoga has solution to many health problems just that you have to be more positive and you must belive that the yoga will help you to solve these problems.
Yoga Asanas for Slipped Disc
- Savasana or the corpse pose that we have already had a detailed article on can be immensely helpful in cases of disc problems.
- Makarasana or the crocodile pose is recommended as shown in the picture
- Vajarasana is highly recommended and you should avoid cross legged sitting pose.
- Bharadvajasana done while seating is a chair can also be a good yoga for the disc pain.
- Urdhva Mukha Savasana it is also called the half upward facing dog pose.
These are some of the common yoga poses that you can try in case you are suffering from disc problems. Try to ensure that you learn these poses from a person who is good in his or her job. You must learn these posed well and ensure that you do not make mistakes while you practice them. These asanas must be done for at least forty minutes in a day.
If you feel any discomfort while doing these yogas you must stop and report the same to the trainer or your doctor. Keep the yoga gentle and slowly increase the duration. If one the first day itself you do the yoga for an hour it will only increase your pain and not reduce it.
A Word of Caution
Even if you do not know all types of asanas, just make sure you do not do any asanas which involve forward bending of the spine as you can see in most of the pictures above that only backward bending poses are done. Of course as you advance in your practice you can do other poses, but do consult a trained physiotherapist, orthopedic or yoga teacher for the same. Do not take risk in such delicate matters.
These are the different yogas asanas that you can practice in order to deal with the disk problems. Lot of people who are suffering from disk problems across the world have used these tips and have benefited considerably. We hope that this will help you to understand how well you can use yoga to deal with the disk problems.